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Droms Strauss Blog

Investment Insights + Ideas

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Navigating the SECURE Act

The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act (The SECURE Act) was part of the most recent $1.4 trillion year-end spending bill, approved by the Senate on Dec 19th, 2019, and subsequently signed into law by President Donald Trump. The act was part of an end-of-year appropriations bill and accompanied by provisions that impacted the nation’s retirement system. The goal of these provisions is to provide additional opportunities for Americans to save in order to strengthen their retirement base.

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2018 Year-End Review

December is always a good time to look back on the year, look at what has transpired, and look forward to what might be in store for us next year. If you read the paper or listen to the news, we do not have to tell you what has happened in the markets these last couple of months.

Investing Insights